Winners 2014
The European Gold Medal in Logistics and Supply Chain 2014 for “Project of the year” goes to Skoda Auto AS from the Czech Republic
Skoda Auto A.S. wins the Gold Medal in Logistics and Supply Chain in this European ‘champions league’ in Logistics and Supply Chain. Winning first the national award for logistics in the Czech Republic they competed successfully with 5 other winning projects and came out as the overall winning project.
The goal of the winning project ‘Simply Clever logistics support for build-to-order production in the automotive : establishing flexible and cost efficient logistics support for internal and external production by growing complexity’ was to implement a number of strategic guidelines for logistics planning with the aim to manage, overcome or eliminate process complexity in logistics. Due to the broad product range and production flexibility required in their specific industry, complexity is a logistic challenge. The company has developed its answer to these challenges.

The European Gold Medal in Logistics and Supply Chain 2014 for ‘Professional of the year’ goes to Alex Van Breedam (BE).
For his outstanding achievements and innovative ideas with measurable results
Inventor of the concept “ extended Gateway “ :It’s a powerful concept for regions with natural advantages for European distribution. The idea behind the concept is the creation of additional logistics locations (minimal total cost locations) for added value logistics along the vertices of the integrated multimodal hinterland network. All provinces in Flanders are currently applying this concept for the identification of their logistics hotspots.
Founder of TRI-Vizor : The world’s first impartial orchestrator for transport and logistics, TRI-VIZOR proactively designs and operates horizontal partnerships and collaborative communities among shippers. By bundling and synchronizing freight flows across multiple supply networks, they create double digit gains in cost, customer service and sustainability for the clients. “ Carpooling for cargo“

The European Gold Medal in Logistics and Supply Chain 2014 from the audience for ‘Best presentation’ goes to SMR Hungary.