ELA Doctorate Workshop
Every year the ELA Research committee organises a European Doctorate Workshop.
Lecturors in Logistics and Supply Chain are invited to propose one doctoral student from their university, who could contribute to this workshop with an interesting doctoral research project within logistics. All fields of logistics in the broadest sense are of interest.
The nominated student is requested to prepare a three-page paper containing a brief description of the project (research objectives, methodology, expected results, list of references etc.) and submit the proposal.
The ELA Research Committee will evaluate the submitted papers and invite about 20 doctoral students to participate in the workshop. All the students have to prepare a formal presentation. The chairman and 3 other experienced logistics professors from Europe will participate as advisors and moderators during the workshop.
ELA Research Committee
Call for papers ELA Doctorate Workshop 2025
29th edition, June 18th- 21st 2025 Naples (Italy)
I would like to invite you to propose one doctoral student from your university, who could contribute to this workshop with an interesting doctoral research project within logistics. All fields of logistics in the broadest sense are of interest.
The nominated student is requested to prepare a three-page proposal indicating: the title of the doctoral research project, name, affiliation, contact details, email address, name of the main supervisor, the stage of the research project (beginning, middle, end) and a brief description of the project (short background, research objectives, methodology, expected results, list of references, etc.) and submit it before February 28th, 2025.
The application should also include a short letter of recommendation from the main PhD supervisor or Head of the Department (this letter can follow after the proposal, if necessary). More information about ELA and the previous doctorate workshops can be found at the homepage of TU Darmstadt (Supply Chain and Network Management http://www.scnm.tu-darmstadt.de – on the right side click on ELA Logistics Association). It is also possible to follows us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/ELAdoctorateworkshop/
The ELA Research Committee will evaluate the submitted proposal and invite about 20 doctoral students to participate in the workshop. All the students have to prepare a formal presentation of their project. The chairman and 3 other experienced logistics professors from Europe will participate as advisors and moderators during the workshop. The Kuehne Foundation is the sponsor of the workshop and it will cover accommodation and meals expenses for all the invited doctoral students. Travel costs have to be paid by the participants themselves. The ELA doctorate workshop is highly recommended. It is an excellent opportunity for doctoral students from all over Europe to meet and establish a valuable network. Students can get 3 ECTS.
Please send the proposal as an attached document in Word to the chairman of the workshop:
Supported by
Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean (ISMed)
National Research Council (CNR)
Via G. Sanfelice, 8 – 80134 Naples (Italy)
E-mail: pietro.evangelista@ismed.cnr.it
ELA Doctorate Workshop 2024 report
The 2024 edition of ELA Doctorate Workshop took place from June 19th until June 22nd 2024 and it was hosted at Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB).
Download here: